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Books to Give | Gifts to Make | Wines to Give | Non-Alcoholic Cocktail Gifts | Bubbles for the New Year

Books to Give

Books makes such lovely, timeless gifts! And, of course, there are books on every subject under the sun for every reader. I have gathered together a few reading lists to make your shopping a little easier.

And don’t forget to stop by my shop for your own copy of The Nice List, my Christmas planner, stickers, or my other books, too. They make wonderful gifts.

A Book that Takes Its Time

Last year my sister-in-law gave me A Book that Takes Its Time. She had no way of knowing that it was exactly what I needed at the time. I was feeling stuck, uninspired, and disconnected from my creativity. So, I have spent the last year working through this fantastic book, and I don’t feel stuck any more. A Book That Takes Its Time is filled with articles by experts on creativity and mindfulness as well as exercises designed to help you find that creative center within each of us.

I have turned my copy into an art journal — doing the exercises and then journaling within the pages as well. It has been a remarkable journey for me, and I’ve written about my process. The link is below.

This is a fabulous gift for the creative people in your life. You never know who might need a little boost just like I did! Thanks, Nadia!


Books for Children

I have several lists of seasonal books for children — all of which would make wonderful gifts. Click each photo below to explore the lists, grouped by subject. Additionally, there are other favorite books in the Gifts for Children giving guide.


Books for Adults


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A collection of book lists with great ideas for Christmas gifts for every reader on your list. Books that readers love, books for bookworms, and books for reluctant readers, too. Fiction, non-fiction, children's books, art books. Books of all kinds.